We already answered some of the most common questions we get, but of course, we couldn't have tackled everything. That's why we included this section to cover even more answers to questions we are commonly asked.

What type of companies are allowed to fundraise on iPivot (formerly

Any locally incorporated company in Malaysia.

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

Equity crowdfunding works exactly like normal crowdfunding, except that it specifically refers to raising funds for unlisted or private companies, in exchange for equity in these companies.

Is Equity Crowdfunding Legal?

Equity crowdfunding in Malaysia was made legal with the passing of legislation to amend the Capital Markets and Services Act in July 2015. You can find detailed guidelines on Recognized markets here.

What type of companies typically register on iPivot (formerly

Yes, iPivot (formerly is one of the 10 equity crowdfunding operators to be granted an equity crowdfunding licence by the Securities Commission Malaysia.

What type of companies are allowed to fundraise on iPivot (formerly

Any locally incorporated company in Malaysia.

How do I sign up to raise capital?

Once you have joined as a user, you could sign up to raise capital here. You will be guided through our set up process where you are required to input business and financial information about your company. Once completed, your information is reviewed to ensure it meets the criteria and if the information provided is satisfactory, you will be notified for the next step.

What is the minimum and maximum investment a company can ask for?

There is no minimum investment to be requested while the maximum investment is RM 20,000,000 per company through equity crowdfunding platform in its lifetime.

How do I protect my idea?

You have the option on iPivot's platform to keep your company confidential. If confidentiality is required we only show a brief description of your idea to the public.

What is the maximum timeframe I can raise capital?

The offer period is usually 30 days from launch date. An extension period of up to 30 days might be given on a case-by-case basis.

What is pre-money and post-money valuations?

If a company is worth RM1 million (pre-money) and investors make investments of RM250,000, the new, post-money valuation of the company will be RM1.25 million. The investors will now own 20% of the company.

How do I value my company?

iPivot would suggest engaging an expert to assist with the Company's valuation.

Can you raise more than the original amount you intended to raise?

You can set a maximum amount you want to raise. No further capital can be raised once the maximum amount is reached. However, exception could be made with proper disclosures.

Can I have multiple fund raising campaign on different platform simultaneously?

Current regulations only allow companies to conduct fund raising campaign through one of the ten(10) licensed platform, and restrict them from changing platform once the fund raising campaign is launched.

What happens when I have raised the funds requested?

We will go through the documentation phase with you and your investors. Funds will be held in a Trust account until the documentation phase is completed and all conditions precedent are met.

What type of due diligence is completed?

Company that requested to raise capital will have to provide relevant information that is required by the platform. iPivot (formerly will review the information provided and if required, a professional third party service provider will carry out financial and/or legal due diligence on the company.

What are the fees?

A fee of RM 4,888 application fee will be charged once we grants you initial approve to explore equity crowdfunding campaign with us.
A fee of 6% - 7% is charged on the total amount raised in a successful fund raising campaign and no fee is charged in the event of unsuccessful campaign.
In addition to that, it is important to note that there may be costs associated with financial and legal due diligence (if required) payable to third party, which is not refundable.
The successful fee will be revised to 7% flat starting in 2023.

What type of equity can I offer?

The equity that you can be offered is in the form of preferred or ordinary shares.

What is the minimum/ maximum investment from an individual?

The minimum investment is RM500 and the maximum investment from an individual is subject to the investors type.

What is the maximum number of investors I can offer equity to?

Theoretically, there is no maximum number of investors that a company can offer equity to. As such, a company can stipulate the maximum number of investors that they want to have.

What happens if I don't reach the investment amount the company is seeking?

For companies who do not meet their minimum capital raise at the end of offer period, a fund raising campaign is deemed unsuccessful. All funds committed from investors will therefore be refunded without any cost.

How do I invest?

Once signed up on, you will be guided through establishing your profile and investment preference. Once completed the user will then have full access to the site and information on Issuers that are listed on iPivotm platform.
Investor verification is required before making an Investment.

What is the minimum and maximum that I can invest?

The minimum investment that you can invest are subject to case by case basis. In the event if the Issuer have set that the minimum investment for that particular campaign is RM100, the minimum investment will be RM100.

What are the risks involved with investing in an early stage company?

Investing in early stage companies involves risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. It should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. Investors in this asset class should undertake due diligence before completing an investment.

Who determines the companies valuation?

The company valuation is determined by the owners while the soundness or reasonability of the valuation is cross-checked against experts' opinion or market benchmarks, if available.

What type of equity can be offered by the company?

Equity offered by companies could be in the form of preference shares or ordinary shares.

What type of rights do I have as a shareholder?

Your shareholder's rights will vary from offer to offer. You are recommended to seek for professional advice if you do not have relevant experience in investing in private companies.

How do I make the payment to the company?

There are two primary methods of Investing.

  1. Online payment gateway with FPX, Visa, Master, e-wallet payment option.
  2. Offline payment via Bank transfer or Over the counter.
The payments are made to a secured Trust account where funds are held until the end of the offer period.

What happens if the company doesn't reach its raise capital target?

For companies who do not meet their minimum targeted fund raising amount, the funds will be refunded to the investors.

Will my investment be made public?

You will have the option to remain anonymous to the public while investing.

What fees do you charge investors?

No fee is charged on investors. Fee is charged on companies that successfully raised their minimum targeted amount within the offer period.

What happens once a company has reached its target?

Once the maximum targeted amount set by the company is reached, no further investments can be made. We then proceed to the documentation phase and arrange all necessary agreements for both the investors and the company.

When will the funds be transferred to the company?

Funds are only transferred to the company once the documentation phase is completed and all other conditions precedent are met. Until then, the funds are held in a secured trust account.

Can I be involved in the companies day to day running after I invest?

This is subject to the agreements between the shareholders and the company, which will be disclosed before the investment is made.

Any Tax Break when investing into an ECF Campaign?

Investors who take part in ECF will be given income tax exemption of 50% of the investment amount up to RM50,000 each year. The deduction is limited to 10% of aggregate